
If you've ever tried running alone, you know it can be difficult to get the motivation to go out and exercise. It's easy to come up with an excuse not to go -- maybe the temperature outside isn't right or the food you ate last night is disagreeing with you. Running is typically viewed as a solitary sport, but there are large groups of fitness-minded people out there.
Running clubs are exactly what they sound like: organizations for people interested in running. Each city has different rules and activities, but they're all bound together by the idea that a community is stronger than an individual.

Ant Mission

To promote our running community as part of a healthy lifestyle.
This mission shall be accomplished by:
  • Conducting runs through our signature event “ONE RUN MARATHON (ORM)”
  • Providing social opportunities for members
  • Helping friends to come out of sedentary life style
  • Supporting marathons and events conducted by local running groups, by sharing articles on the advantages of running in social media platforms
  • Advocating for increased cycling support among the public, government agencies and elected officials